Onions Help You Stay Healthy


tropical meditationMaintaining your health is important, and your diet plays an important role in keeping you healthy. So, lets talk about onions as part of your diet. Normally, onions are added to the diet to bring it to taste.But, do onions help you stay healthy? The answer is yes! They have many health benefits whether eaten raw or cooked.

Here are several ways they help you stay healthy;

Oral health:- Though raw onions stink your breath, they actually improve your oral health. Chewing a piece strengthens your teeth and kills bacteria that cause tooth decay. Brushing after chewing can always get rid of the bad breath.

Boost immunity:- Certain phtyochemicals found in onions helps in better functioning of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps against immunity system deficiencies and therefore boosts overall body immunity against diseases. Vitamin C also helps in improving skin health and removing dark spots and pigments.

Helps in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels:- They are a great addition to a diabetes patient. They have low calories and high fiber content which are necessary in maintaining optimum blood sugar levels. They have also been proved to have chemicals that play the same role as insulin of optimizing blood sugar levels.

Prevention of Cancer:- Onions contain components that are helpful in preventing cancer. Studies show that their consumption can help detoxify potential carcinogens. Carcinogens are compounds that are known to cause cancer.

Control of Stomach aches:- Their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help to offset stomach upsets and other gastric problems.

Prevention of heart ailments:- Some chemicals contained in onions help in maintaining optimum blood pressure levels for hypersensitive adults. They also improve the structure of th e arteries by keeping them flexible and therefore keeping the heart in a healthy working conditions.

Give better sleep:- They contain some components that help to offset sleeping disorders. Simply including an onion in your diet will give you the hours of sleep that you so much need.woman and onion

Needless to say that onions have numerous health benefit and therefore a good addition to your daily diet. On how do onions help you stay healthy, its always a question of how much you are willing to include in your diet. Rest assured that once you include them you improve your health a great deal. Forget about the bad breath and eye irritation and chose a healthy life that onions bring along. Next time you prepare your salad, consider an onion or two.…