Tips for Buying a Walker or Rollator

Buying a walker can be a difficult thing to do, especially considering the vast amount of options available. The following are tips for buying a walker or rollator that will help you pick the best one for your particular situation.
The Capacity of the Walker
It is essential that you consider the height and weight capacity of the walker. A walker that is too short or too long can end up being uncomfortable for you. For example, if you choose a walker that is too short, you will end up stooping most of the time so that you can use it. Weight capacity applies especially where the walker has a seat. You should choose a walker that comfortably supports your weight.
Frame Material
Walkers are generally made from steel and aluminum. Steel is more massive than aluminum, so if you want a light walker, you should go for aluminum. However, aluminum walkers are more expensive than steel walkers.
Brakes are very essential since they ensure your safety when on a walker. There are different forms of restraints for walkers, and all of them work well. However, you should only choose a braking system that you can use quickly and comfortably.
Maneuverability is mostly determined by the number of wheels on a walker. Generally, the lesser the number of bikes, the higher the maneuverability. Therefore, a three-wheeled walker will serve you better indoors in areas with tight spaces. A four-wheeled walker, on the other hand, is less maneuverable and is, therefore, more suited to outdoor use.
Generally, stability increases as maneuverability decreases. So, a three-wheeled walker is more maneuverable but less stable than a four-wheeled walker. Conversely, a four-wheeled walker is less maneuverable but more stable than a three-wheeled walker.
Seat or No Seat?
This is generally a matter of preference. Walkers with seats tend to be more convenient to use. On the other hand, seatless walkers are safer than the ones with seats.
Folding Capacity
The ability of a walker to fold is crucial if you intend to be carrying it around. It is easier to load a folded walker into a car rather than an unfolded walker. Folding walkers also take up less space in storage.
Is It Safe for You to Use a Walker?
Sometimes you might think that a walker is the best option for you, but then that isn’t the case. For example, a health condition such as arthritis can preclude you from using a walker. It is, therefore, essential that you seek the advice of your doctor before you decide on a walker. Your doctor will tell you whether it is safe for you to use a walker and maybe even pick out the right one for you.
You should consider accessories such as space for carrying a bag or a compartment for carrying your cane. These add to the general comfort and usability of a walker.
Identity and Style
This may not be seen as very important, but you should choose a walker that matches your style and personality. You will feel better when going out on your walker. Also, you will quickly identify your walker if it gets mixed up with other walkers.